
The Alamo Colleges District, Office of Veterans Affairs processes applications for eligible veterans to obtain Federal and State Veterans Benefits. The colleges participate in veteran educational programs provided by the Department of Veterans Affairs.

COVID-19 & Veterans Update

The Alamo Colleges District Veterans Affairs Offices are providing advising and benefit certification services to our students remotely due to the ongoing COVID 19 situation. Please contact your home campus VA office by email or phone by using the information found in the “Contact Us” tab below.

The VA has provided some guidance pertaining to the payment of housing allowance for students who have had all of their courses converted to online courses as a result of COVID 19 campus closures as follows: 

  • Based on the new law provided for in Senate Bill 3503 that was signed into law March 21, 2020 POST 9/11 GI Bill® students who pursue resident courses converted to an online modality solely due to COVID-19 will continue to receive the Monthly Housing Allowance (MHA) rate for resident training.

    Tuition and Fees reporting requirements will not change. Please keep in mind that all standard adjustments, such as when you drop a course, will still result in changes to your MHA and tuition and fee payments. Developmental Courses that are converted to online training modality due to COVID-19 will be certified as residential coursework.

    These changes are in effect from 3/21/20-12/21/21. 

As always, if you have any questions, please contact us. Your questions are very important to us and we are working to make this transition as smooth as possible for you. If you have specific benefit payment questions, please contact 1-888-442-4551.

Educational Programs include:

Note: Chapters 30, 1606 veterans must verify at the end of every month with the VA in order to receive a payment on a timely basis.

The Office of Veterans Affairs also assists Texas veterans in obtaining the Hazelwood Act. This program exempts the qualified individual from payment of all tuition and most fees.

Students taking courses at multiple campus (on-campus and on-line) and using their Hazlewood Exemption benefits, must complete the payment process at their home campus.


What happens if I fail or drop out of a course?

Failing a course will not affect your GI Bill® benefits, however withdrawing or receiving an incomplete grade for a course may affect your benefits.  As long as you receive a grade (pass or fail) the VA will not ask for your GI Bill® money back.

What happens to the $1,200 buy-in for MGIB (Chapter 30)?

Any veteran who paid the $1,200 buy-in for MGIB (Chapter 30) and elects to use the Post-9/11 GI Bill (Chapter 33) will be refunded the buy-in.  The buy-in or a portion of the buy-in will be refunded on the last payment of the monthly living allowance.  If a veteran has already used some of their MGIB (Chapter 30) benefits they will receive prorated refund.  If the veteran does not receive a living allowance check upon using their last month of new GI Bill entitlement the buy-in will not be returned.

What happens to the $600 buy-up program for the College Fund?

The VA ruled that individuals will not receive an increased amount under the Post-9/11 GI Bill (Chapter 33) for additional contributions ($600 buy-up) paid under MGIB Chapter 30 or REAP (Chapter 1607).  This $600 will not be refunded if a veteran chooses to transfer from Montgomery GI Bill® to Post 9/11 GI Bill®

How does this affect enlistment/reenlistment kickers and College Fund?

Enlistment and reenlistment kickers will continue to apply to veterans under Post 9/11 GI Bill® (Chapter 33). Any additional monthly benefits will be simply added to the monthly living allowance. For example, if a veteran is entitled to a $200/month enlistment kicker and a $1400/month living allowance, then that veteran will receive $1,600/month.

The VA’s final rules state that they will not pay kicker or college fund bonuses if the veteran is not receiving a living allowance (e.g., while on active duty or exclusively distance learning). IAVA is actively fighting to reverse the VA’s interpretation.

Contact Us

Contact Us

VA Contact Information

Northeast Lakeview College

Rosalinda Almanza-Martinez
VA Coordinator
Student Commons Welcome Center STCM 111
Phone: 210-486-5827

Northwest Vista College

Elizabeth Ceballos
VA Coordinator
Esperanza Veterans Center (EVC)
Phone: 210-486-4140

Palo Alto College

Vincent Bosquez
VA Coordinator
Palomino Center (PC-111)
Phone: 210-486-3111

St. Philip's College

Veronica Griego
VA Coordinator
MLK Campus Welcome Enrollment Center (WEC) Rm. 205
Phone: 210-486-2111

San Antonio College

Kenneth Ramelli
VA Coordinator
Victory Center Room 108
1819 N. Main Ave.
San Antonio, TX78212
Phone: 210-486-0867

Installation Offices

Alamo Colleges Installation Offices

Fort Sam Houston
Building 2268, Room 207
(210) 486-2004
Email Fort Sam Houston Representatives

Lackland Air Force Base
Building 5725, Room 144
(210) 486-7224
Email Lackland AFB Representatives

Randolph Air Force Base
Building 210, Room 10
(210) 486-2901
Email Randolph AFB Representatives

Email questions to our Military Support Team at: 

College Veterans Affairs Offices

Northeast Lakeview College

Student Commons Welcome Center


Northwest Vista College

Esperanza Veterans Center (EVC)

Palo Alto College

PC Room 111

St. Philip's College

WEC Room 205

San Antonio College

Victory Center Room 101